Short, simple, sweet kind of game. However...
My game-info-related issues:
Is infinite mode the only mode? What happens to your progress when you die? Itd also be nice to understand how the damage amounts of the die work. Do the numbers matter? What are the damage percentages?
Heres my non-game-info-related issues with Dice Mage:
1) Like the previous version of the game, there is no incentive to go on after stage 8. The worlds are identical, and the enemy difficulty doesnt increase.
2) The order of enemy difficulty is randomized. A stage 2 minion can have more HP than a stage 7 boss. This can be unfair to beginner players without adequate equipment.
3) The enemies are too easy. They have incredibly low defense points and do little damage. None of the enemies, including the bosses, can match my avatar due to his advanced equipment. Ive gotten to world 4 avoiding most of the enemies (thus missing most of the potential upgrades) without losing or coming close to losing once.
4) That said, there were many times when the game was unfair to me. Id hit the enemy with the die with over 800 damage points and two critical spells, but he puts up one shield and suddenly he loses only 80 HP out of his 10,000. Its frustrating, and not in a good way.
5) The only thing I look forward to now when playing is upgrading my equipment, but even thats come to an end now that my equipment is near max level. World 1, 2, 3...theyve just become numbers. There is no risk in losing anymore.
In the end, I appreciate Dice Mage for what it is and my initial several hours of gameplay: good-old-fashioned 8-bit RPG fun, which is why I give it 3.5/5 (unfortunately, the App Store doesnt allow half-star increments).